Hello, I am Chris Richardson,
and I am running for Congress in 6th District of California.
Vote Green.

All That Is Required for Evil to Flourish Is For Good Men and Women to Do Nothing.
I am a problem solver, and I have generated many new ideas for those I have worked for. I want to work in Congress for you and I have been an actor for good as I have been doing for WorldVistA (www.worldvista.org), the not-for-profit I helped start in 2002. My platform is people-centered and straightforward. I have heard other parties say we cannot have healthcare for all of our citizens that other countries enjoy for their people, or pay for our students to get advanced degrees or learn new trades. I say, “yes, we can”, and I will show you how we can achieve this and improve our economy at the same time. Help me to work for you and we can make a new and responsive government that works for all of us. Help me to be your actor for good.

Chris Richardson’s Campaign for Congress is Open For Business
The web site is in constant updating, but the site is open for the business of informing the public on issues that need to be addressed. We are open for donations, but only grassroots donations, as little as $5 to $200 dollars. We do not take corporate money even though we support removing the cost burden from large and small businesses, and the workers. With Single Payer Health Care, we free up the worker to take employment where he is most fulfilled. The worker is not slaved to a job just because the job has health care benefits. When he takes a better job, his health coverage goes with him.

Let me start with my platform and my work history to give you an idea about what I can bring to this campaign and representation for you and our community. By the way, I want input from you my employers so that I can provide the strongest support for our joint tasks ahead.
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