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Green Party Candidate for District 6


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Notice and Future Development

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Chris Richardson’s Campaign for Congress is Open For Business

The web site is in constant updating, but the site is open for the business of informing the public on issues that need to be addressed. We are open for donations, but only grassroots donations, as little as $5 to $100 dollars.  We do not take corporate money even though we support removing the cost burden from large and small businesses, and the workers. With Single Payer Health Care, we free up the worker to take employment where he is most fulfilled.  The worker is not slaved to a job just because the job provides health care benefits. When he takes a better job, his health coverage goes with him and covers his family.  The doctor has only to get the patient well, without having to regulate the care give as to how much coverage the patient might have.  Patients go to the doctor sooner when the symptoms appear and get treated early when full recoveries are more likely.

Upcoming Debate of the Candidates from District 6

Watch your calander for the upcoming debate at Rio Americano High School Auditorium on January 28th, 2020.  It is being run by the League of Women Voters and will provide a venue for the voters to meet and hear the candidates in person.  All of the five candidates have been invited and the four competitors for the Congressional Seat have RSVPed.  The Incumbant, Ami Bera, has been invited but he is back in Washington DC, doing his job supporting us in Congress.  His availability is difficult to predict and is totally excusable.  But the other candidates will be there, the two Republican Canddates, the one other Democratic Canddate, and myself, the Green Party Candidate.  The preceedings will begn at 6 PM and end hopefully about 8 PM.  The meeting is to be live streamed and will be captured and put up on the internet for those who cannot get in or cannot get there for the debate.  We thank the Rio Amercano Hich School for the use of their magnficent auditorium for this event.

Chris Richardson for Congress

Downloads – Writings of Chris Richardson

These are documents I have collected, written myself, or assembled on various topics like term limits, Ranked Choice Voting, Health Care, and a lot more will be written from the suggestions of the people I serve. I seek to turn many of these into actual bills once I get into office. I must admit that some may not be from me but that are of interest anyway. There is a list of links that will fill you in on various issues of the day.

FDR-Bill-of-Rights (pdf)


Single-Payer-3190807 (txt)


 ” target=”_self” rel=”noopener”> Links/Links-3200102.txt 


RCV-Database-Method-3190712 (odt)


RCV-Why-Vote-3190812 (odt)


Single-Payer-HealthInsurance-Parasite-3180425 (odt)


RCR-Science Questions for GPCA-3171128 (odt)


League-of-Women-questions-3180426 (odt)


What-do-we-do-next-3190629 (odt)


Aquifer-Cleaning-of-TCE-3190709 (odt)


Gold-River-Aquifer-Cleaning-of-TCE-3190718 (odt)

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